Today we went over to Aunt Sue's house to see Cousin Taylor and Aunt Ronda and Cousin Tate were there too. So the three of us got to play around on the floor. Daddy and Taylor are checking each other out.

Cooper was showing Taylor how good he is at blowing spit bubbles. It seems to be our favorite thing to do right now. We babble and blow spit bubbles. (That is why we have a bib on too)

Once January comes Cooper and Taylor will get to see each other a few days a week, since Taylor will start going to her Aunt Nancy's for daycare part time. On boy better watch out!!

It is amazing what 2 weeks can do. Taylor pretends that she is an airplane and rolls from her back to her tummy and Cooper will roll to his side and almost get over but he still hasn't figured out how to get his arm out of the way. No rush, we'll get the hang of it soon.

Taylor checking out Cooper.
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