Thursday, July 26, 2012

Trip to Billings

Well last week the boys and I made a vistit to Billings for the week. Since I don't return to work until the end of August it was the perfect time to go for a visit. John drove us to Glendive were we met up with mom and dad, he then came over at the end of the week to pick the four of us up.
Here is a quick picture of the boys closet after we stocked up for the week long trip only to be told not to bring anything Mom had already gone shopping. Not to worry we will end up using these here.
While we were in Billings the twins went through 2 containers of formula and 150 diapers in just under 6 days. We had to have dad bring more when he came over.

 Cooper and his cousin Taytum testing out the pool at grandma's house that Sunday we arrived.

Cooper with his uncle Clint just playing around, I think this was the same day Cooper kept taking off his daiper and running around the house telling everyone " I'm naked!"

Aunt Laurel with Hunter. That night he was really fussy and Laurel had the magic touch

Aunt Becky with cousin Amelia
 Grandma with one of her boys ( Conner)
 Cousin Taytum just seeing what she can get into!

Cooper with Grandpa's slipper, he thought they were the greatest things and kept trying to wear them around the house without falling over them

 While we were in Billings we helped Cousin Jaxson celebrate his 3rd birthday at the new Water Park. Cooper and the rest of the kids had a great time going down the slides.
 Cousin Jaxson opening up some of his presents
 The party animals just taking in the whole day at the water park
 Cooper playing around at grandma's
 Just relaxing on the deck.
 Jaxson playing with one of the trucks that he received for his birthday.
We had the best time that week, thanks for having us over, we can't wait to see everyone again.

Friday, July 13, 2012


I have decided that Cooper can really fall asleep almost anywhere. He really seems to like the nursing pillow that I use to feed the twins when they gang up on me and want their bottles at the same time.

Cooper getting ready to go outside and help daddy wash the pick up and run through the sprinklers
Nice cheesy smile
 Here is the best picture of the day. I had to get a picture of John showing Cooper how to run through the spinkler. I don't think Cooper really needed any help and that John really used it as an excuse to play in the water too!

Having so much fun in the water. I think he forgot to help daddy wash the pickup!

Here is an updated picture of the the twins over the 4th of July. The 3 of us stayed home because it was just too hot to take them to the parade. But as you can see they are both gaining weight and growing like crazy. 
Conner is now out weighing Hunter which is not surprising since he thinks he should be eating everytime he wakes up from one of his naps. In the last 6 weeks he has gained over 3 pounds and has grown over 2 1/2 inches. Hunter is also growing like a weed. He has gained about 3 pounds as well but has grown 3 inches, so he now looks like the smaller one.

 Our first morning camping in Jamestown was a little chilly so I decided it was the best time to have Cooper wear his jumpsuit that my Aunt Judy (dad's older sister) gave him a few months ago. I you cannot tell it is the ASU red devils outfit, (horns and all)
 Luckly it warmed up that weekend and Cooper was able to go swimming over at Cousin Taylors camp site. The two of them had the best time playing and splashing around inthe water.
 Here is a picture of Cooper jumping into the pool. He'd say (one, two three and then flop into the pool)

Here is a picture of Cousin Taylor with one of the floating toys she had for the pool. Funny thing is that the ring is about the size of the pool it self!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The little boys and I ended up staying home and watching the parade on TV because it was so hot out. But John and Cooper went to watch and had a great time. They ended up sitting my Aunt Sue, Cousin Taylor, Aunt Rhonda and cousin Tate. From the pictures that John took it looks like everyone had a great time.
Here is a picture of Taylor and Aun Sue getting ready for the parade.

 Here is Tate, Cooper and Taylor trying to sit, patiently waiting for the parade to start
 Cooper found one of his favorite people (Jackie Basaraba - Uncle Billy's aunt) She comes by Nancy's and helps out everyonce in a while and Cooper always has a great time when she is there.

Oh boy a bucket of candy! Thanks Senator Berg for helping out with the sugar high!

Here are a few of the floats that were in the parade.