Well we turned four months and had our first taste of rice cereal. Cooper wasn't too sure at first but then I don't think I could get it to him fast enough. But we did find out we will have to mix in a little bit of pears from now on. Last night (Sept 11th) the three of us were up most of the night because Cooper had a tummy ache. Mommy even went to the store at 11:30 to try to find something to sooth the tummy. We found "Little Tummy's" which seemed to help and by 4am Cooper and Mommy were sleeping on the couch.

Here are our four month stats.
weight: 13lbs 10oz I'm in the 25th percentile (I gained 2 pounds in one month) not bad!!
height: 23 1/2 inches I'm in the 7th percentile (Okay, so starting our with a low wheel base)
Head: 43 1/2 cm I'm in the 82nd percentile ( What a noggin!!)

Cooper listening to his Baby Einstein mobile grandma Mel gave him while mommy gets a bath ready. The music and light's make tummy time a little funner.

The end to the big weekend, Cooper was exhausted and slept every chance he got while we made our way back home. We had such a great time and can't wait to see everyone again. We love you lots. Melissa, John and Cooper.
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