Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Is someone having a Birthday??

Well, whether John or I were ready for it, Cooper turned one. This year has gone by way too fast, but we wouldn't change a thing. We had a birthday party for Cooper here at the house. I decided on an Elmo themed party, which included this great cake.

Cousin Taylor was very eager to help Cooper open some of his presents. She had experience since here birthday was just a few weeks ago.

Here is Grandpa George with 5 of his 8 grandkids, Katelyn, Ashely, Taylor, Cooper and Austin.

We're not quite sure if Cooper really liked his cake, I think he likes playing with it more than eating it.

And we're ready for a bath!!

Trip to Billings

Grandma bought the boys this huge ball to play with outside, Cooper had fun just sitting by it.

I was going to try to get a picture of both of the boys sitting by the beach ball, but Jaxson had other plans, he wanted to try to feed the horses.

Not too sure of the grass

Jaxson, ready with his apple, if only the darn horses would have cooperated a little. Oh well if the horses aren't going to eat the apples, Jaxson didn't seem to mind them.

What a big boy, it is so much fun to come to Billings to see the whole family and to spend time with them. But it is so amazing to see Jaxson everytime and to see just how much he changes in such a short amount of time. Can't wait to see you in July!!! love you Aunt Melissa and Uncle John

Birthday Party #2

Uncle Jarred and Aunt Becky let us use their house for the BBQ for my birthday party while we were in Billings. Everyone was patiently waiting the arrival of Taytum Kennedy Anglin that they weren't able to come to North Dakota, so we came to them!! Here are a few pictures.

Here is a very special lady, Kathy Marsh (Aunt Kathy) getting to hold little Miss Taytum. Kathy was in hog heavan because all of her grandbabies are past this stage.

Here are the proud grandparents with their three grandbabies, Jaxson, Cooper and Taytum.

We were outside and grandma and grandpas trying to feed apples to the horses, but they had other plans so we took pictures instead.

Here is one of Cooper opening oneof his many gifts. Now he has to decide when he is going to find time to play with everything!

Oh boy getting ready for the cake, mommy made me strip down to my diaper, apparently she thought I'd make a mess or something! She'll have to put the video on later!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How hard can it be?

John and I bought a trike for Cooper for his birthday next week. Since we ended up having a blizzard on Saturday, John has been working out of town, helping restore power to the western half of the state; so I decided that I had better get the trike put together.

Here are all of the parts. There aren't too really how hard can this be. I plan on reading the directions!!

The base of the trike went together really easy. It seems to be made really well. Thick rubber tires and a metal frame, good handle bar grips.

Okay, I got to this part and realized that I put the 5 point harness on backwards and had to remove the seat to get the clasps to go the right way.

AAhhh.... the finished product. I really think it only took a little over a half hour to get it put together. I think Cooper will have fun riding around it around the neighborhood and when we go camping this summer.