Tuesday, January 1, 2013

sometimes there just aren't any words!

Cooper in his new Jake and the Neverland Pirates underwear and his new snow boots

 Just have to love this little guy

Going to see Elmo

One of Cooper's Christmas presents was getting to go see Elmo and Friends with his cousin Taylor. They both seemed to have a great time

 Bert and Ernie
 Big Bird
 Big Bird, Cookie Monster, Bert and Ernie
 Cooper and Aunt Sue I think this might have been one of the only times this little boy sat down. He was too busy dancing and clapping
 the whole gang

 Cooper and Mommy as well as his "new best friend" Elmo

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas, first thing Christmas morning Cooper and I checked out the plate of goodies that we had left for Santa and his reindeer. Cooper was so excited to see what was left!

 Let the opening of gifts begin

 One of the hits for Cooper on Christmas morning was a bike and helmet(not pictured oops) that Grandpa George and Greandma NeeNee gave to him.
 Conner and Hunter opened this neat activity cube.
 Hunter eyeballing the new bike
 Conner seemed way more interested in his puppydog than in opening gifts
 Hunter just checking everything out