Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Weekend with Grandma and Grandpa

This weekend Grandma Mel and Grandpa George came for a visit. We spent all Friday morning together while mommy and daddy were at work. We went and had my 9 month pictures taken and Grandpa and Grandma found this great toy for me.
I have to grow into it a little but it sure is fun to play with. I haven't sat on it since Friday, because I lost my balance and tipped off. Maybe we'll try it again later this week.

Me and Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa and Me

I think we're about to tip!

I had a great time with my grandma and grandpa, too bad they had to leave on Sunday. But I'll get to see them in 3 weeks when I go to Billings for my Aunt Laurel's baby shower. Love you, see you soon

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cooper turned 9 months and Daddy turned 33

Wow, 9 months already. I've started exploring all over the house, crawling, standing up on anything I can reach and walking along the couches. I'm 17lbs 14oz and about 26 1/2 inches, I've finally out grown my 3-6 month pants but my 6-9 month pants are a little too big.

I figured out that I can fit under my exesaucer too.

Oh boy 33 and already wearing the glasses down on the nose.

Happy birthday daddy, love you Cooper and mommy

Taken a bath like a big boy

We finally decided that Cooper was big enough to start taking baths in the tub rather than his little tub. We still have to work on the standing part, but the tub was quite a hit.

messy eater

We decided to let Cooper eat one of his biscuits and then he also tried sone mashed potatos, which were a big hit.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Cooper walking

Here is another video of Cooper walking all on his own.

What a big boy!

I was folding laundry this weekend and Cooper decided that he wanted to walk around, so he improvised!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Oh the things we get into!

This weekend I went to get Cooper after he woke up from his nap and discovered that he had been biting his crib. All along one of the sides there are these little teeth marks that he has been making everytime he pulls himself up. I guess it is a good thing we didn't get one with paint.

Locked up stairs, Cooper finally has become interested in the baby gate that we put up on our stairs. He really likes to pull himself up and look at his dad who is standing at the bottom. What a sad sight!

This is how John and Cooper get ready for the day while I'm in the bathroom finishing getting ready for work. They both look like they could have slept in for a few more hours.

Cooper finally decided he wanted to play with his little cart that he got for Chirstmas. His feel finaly touch the floor and he likes that he can lean into the handle as he plays with the pink lever. What a big boy.

and we also figured out how to crawl around the pantry and into the Kitchen. Great!