Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Tuckered out!

On Sunday, Cooper and John were wrestling around, then pretty soon they were both playing with the blanket. By the time I knew it, they were both taking naps on the floor in the living room. What a pair!

Special visitor!

Last week Cooper's daycare was closed for a few days, so we called Grandma Mel to see if she wanted to come over and spend some one on one time with him. We really had to twist her arm!!!
 Cooper and grandma had a great time together, playing out side and all throughout the house. Grandma really enjoyed all of the snuggling too.
 It is a good thing Cooper's birthday is in a few weeks, I think he had a great time with his grandma "NeNe" Thanks again mom for coming over.

Helping Daddy

The other week our bigh light in the kitchen stopped working, so John and Cooper decided to fix it.
 Cooper thought the ladder was just another toy for him to play with
 Our big "cheesy smile"

Happy Easter! While we were at Billy and Sues on Easter Sunday I went into the living room to find Grandpa George, Taylor and Cooper enjoying a good Scooby Doo movie. I'm pretty sure Grandpa was trying to relax and these two came to see what was going on!

Cooper and daddy after the Easter Egg hunt throughout the living room. Cooper was more interested in getting his egg opened than having his picture taken!