Saturday, August 21, 2010

Go Cats Go!!!

Posing in my new Cats shirt Uncle Clint and Aunt Laurel gave me.

So tired...yet so hungry.

What I wasn't sleeping...just resting my eyes.

My Uncle Clint and Aunt Laurel thought it wasn't too early to start cheering for the right team!!

Here I am with Father Schumacher after my Baptism. It wasn't too bad, I slept through most of it.

Here I am with my mom, cousin Ashley, Father, Uncle Clint , Aunt Laurel and dad. We take a pretty good picture.

Right after getting the water poored over my head. I woke up really quick when that happened.

This is an outfit that I received from a lady that mommy works with. I think I make a pretty good looking bull if I do say so myself!!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Our family

Here is a picture of mommy and daddy and me after my Baptism. They look so proud.

Saying Goodbye on Sunday and 1 more Baptism pic

Me and Grandma Mel having some bonding time over a bottle. I was able to get in a lot of snuggle time this weekend before she had to go home.

Here I am with Grandpa George. We had fun playing and spending some guy time together.

Me and my Uncle Clint, (I see where I get some of my looks from) Thanks a lot for the hair!!!

Me and my Aunt Laurel getting in some last minute snuggle time. I spit up on her right before this picture and it didn't even faze her. She's the best.

Uncle Billy, Aunt Sue and Cousin Taylor helped me celebrate my baptism today too. Thanks for being there.

More Baptism

Here I am with Grandma Donna and Grandpa Bill
Me and Grandma Mel and Grandpa George. Thanks for coming all the way from Billings for my special day.

Grandpa George and Grandma Alice and me after my Baptism.

Here I am with my Uncle Clint and Aunt Laurel who are also my Godparents. They came all the way from Billings and Uncle Clint surprized me by getting to come. Thanks again

Here I am with my cousin Ashley who is also my godmother. She's the best!! Thank you for taking on this roll for me.


Yesterday we celbrated Cooper's baptism. Here are a few pitcures of the special day.
Here Cooper is getting anoited with Holy Oils.
Blessing the water before baptising Cooper.

Father Schumacher, Deacon Bob, John, me, Cooper, Cousin Ashely (Godmother) Aunt Laurel (Godmother) and Uncle Clint (God Father)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

3 Months!!!

Wow 3 months already! It really has taken it out of me.
But I can't quite let go of my cow so mommy can take me out of my car seat.

Me and dad posing for a picture

Wow the camera is close!

Ready to go work at the farm!

Just laying around

I'm just working on a little tummy time with some buddies!