Well it has been 5 months. WOW were has the time gone. I thought my 2 months of maternity leave flew by. These past five months have been amazing. Cooper has started to do so much now. He babbles all the time, and love to show you how good he is a blowing spit bubbles. We've started eating cereal which went over great and we were able to transition to squash. But now we've moved on to something even better. CARROTS!! We're going to have to work on not getting so distracted while we're eating but what we did manage to get in our mouth went really well. The pictures are backwards but you'll get the idea.
Cooper sure kept his eye on the spoon while I was feeding him. All concentration here!!
We went to the Well Baby Clinic on Tuesday to see who we were progressing since starting baby food. Cooper is 15 lbs 1 oz and roughly 24 1/4 inches long. We aren't quite sitting up but the physical therapist was impressed with how well he held himself up for her. Saturday mornign Cooper and John were playing on the living room floor and he rolled over twice for John. Do you think that I can get him to do it even once for me since?? Not a chance, and believe me I've tried all weekend. Cooper will get almost on his tummy and then her rolls back over to his back. But I'll keep trying!!
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