Sunday, June 2, 2013

belated birthday cupcakes

A few weeks ago we had a birthday party for all three of the boys. The place we went to had carpet and the babies were pretty tired by the time cake was served so neither one had a chance to dig in. But since they turned 1 two days ago I picked up some birthday cupcakes so that they would have a chance to celebrate correctly. From the pictures you'll be able to tell that Hunter loves his cupcake and has no problem digging right in. Were as Conner I don't think liked getting his hands dirty and it may be just a little too sweet for his taste. Don't get me wrong they were still covered in cupcake!
Here are the before shots.

 Hunter pressed it against his chest.
 Conner carefully took the decoration off
 More focused on the plastic ring than the cupcake
 Hunter diving right in!
 Conner still playing with the ring
 Hunter loving the frosting
 Conner ticked that it is all over his hands
 Hunter smashing it between his fingers
 Conner trying to take the cupcake apart
 and now it's really all over his fingers
 Hunter just sitting back having his cupcake
 Conner flinging frosting and cupcake across the room to get it off his fingers
 Hunter shoveling the cupcake in
 Conner not so much
 Cupcake finished now Hunter will play with the plastic ring

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