Friday, July 13, 2012


I have decided that Cooper can really fall asleep almost anywhere. He really seems to like the nursing pillow that I use to feed the twins when they gang up on me and want their bottles at the same time.

Cooper getting ready to go outside and help daddy wash the pick up and run through the sprinklers
Nice cheesy smile
 Here is the best picture of the day. I had to get a picture of John showing Cooper how to run through the spinkler. I don't think Cooper really needed any help and that John really used it as an excuse to play in the water too!

Having so much fun in the water. I think he forgot to help daddy wash the pickup!

Here is an updated picture of the the twins over the 4th of July. The 3 of us stayed home because it was just too hot to take them to the parade. But as you can see they are both gaining weight and growing like crazy. 
Conner is now out weighing Hunter which is not surprising since he thinks he should be eating everytime he wakes up from one of his naps. In the last 6 weeks he has gained over 3 pounds and has grown over 2 1/2 inches. Hunter is also growing like a weed. He has gained about 3 pounds as well but has grown 3 inches, so he now looks like the smaller one.

 Our first morning camping in Jamestown was a little chilly so I decided it was the best time to have Cooper wear his jumpsuit that my Aunt Judy (dad's older sister) gave him a few months ago. I you cannot tell it is the ASU red devils outfit, (horns and all)
 Luckly it warmed up that weekend and Cooper was able to go swimming over at Cousin Taylors camp site. The two of them had the best time playing and splashing around inthe water.
 Here is a picture of Cooper jumping into the pool. He'd say (one, two three and then flop into the pool)

Here is a picture of Cousin Taylor with one of the floating toys she had for the pool. Funny thing is that the ring is about the size of the pool it self!

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